Sunday, March 16, 2014

Loving YOU

All spiritual texts and traditions lead to the same place: back into your heart.

Paul Coelho's The Alchemist speaks a truth it takes many twists and turns for most of us to find; that the way home is not out there, but in here.

But... where is "here"?

Aha! That's just it! Over 15 years of yoga practice have led me to get it more and more each day, but I still have my moments where I feel totally and utterly LOST! It's those moments when the outside world reflects my insides: chaotic and confused. A few months into my separation my loving auntie gave me a copy of The Course in Miracles. A big dark blue book with a gold embossed title-- it looked like a new fangled version of the Bible. I took one look, flipped open the thin pages and thought, "not interested!". So I set it on my bookshelf and let it collect dust for sometime. Then, some clues started leading me to get curious. Life has some interesting ways of making us "get it" if we're not interested in paying attention. And Life sure is persistent! If one way isn't working, then it gives us more and more signs, symbols, people, and events to make us see what it wants us to see!

So... what did I see? Well, I saw in the lessons and work with a Course teacher, that the outer world is merely a reflection of my inner world. I got some of this from my yoga and spiritual practices, but I guess I didn't "get it" enough! It totally rocked my world!

So... it IS all about you-- or in this case, ME! If we can drop the concept of narcissism and expand it to a concept of Oneness... that all of life is interconnected, this becomes a very BIG idea! In the process of unwinding my feelings of separation from myself in others, I have found a deepened sense of compassion for all of life-- and the pain and suffering of others in a new way. Part of this process of unwinding involves daily shadow work. Debbie Ford really opened eyes, minds and hearts with her books on this subject! I have found daily shadow work to be an important way to come into acceptance of parts of myself I've disliked (like anger, insecurity, worry, to name a few). With a step by step process I've found helpful, I forgive myself for feeling that feeling that I've judged as "wrong" on some level and open to have it transformed (into love). It's amazing what happens. If I encounter an angry person, that same charge is gone and I can look at them with the compassion I gave myself in the process. The Universe usually gives you some practice sessions in real life (unrehearsed) to show off your hard work! And sometimes I've gotten A's... sometimes...D's-- all of that grading is done with compassion, of course! =)

Let's face it, humans are complex creatures. Our minds will trample us with all kinds of crazy thoughts if we allow them to without abandon. Loving you means loving your crazy mind-- getting to know it and understand it, and giving it space to express, release and expand.

The expansion part comes in giving YOU time to BE. The mind is like a computer and it's important to "reset" it each morning. I've found creating intentions for my day, giving gratitude for all that I have and will be receiving are great ways to center the mind for a new day. When you do this "waking up on the wrong side of the bed" flies out the window!

And the final part of loving YOU is loving your temple that is the body. Remember, we don't own these bodies-- they are not the spirit's permanent home. Just think of your body as a rental for this lifetime. When your Life is complete, that rental will be returned back to the earth-- but You (as a Soul Self) will still exist. This is fun to muse on.

Over the years, yoga and healing work have made me really LOVE and APPRECIATE my body! I have been doing nightly (or I try) epsom salt baths with lavendar essential oil. Epsom is a great way to relax the muscles and also clears away negative energy. During this time, I light some candles and listen to high vibe music (like classical or yoga station on Pandora) or listen to a spiritual talk on Youtube (Abraham/Hicks and Kryon are my current faves). When I do this, I sleep like a baby and my dreams are lucid and very clearing.

As a single mama to a 3 year old, I'm amazed I have been able to carve out the time to do what I need to do to take care of me (hey, it doesn't always happen the way I want it to-- Wren's my boss:0!)

My work makes me make ME a priority, because I can't offer others healing and relaxation if I am a tangled mess! I practice what I preach, it's the only way to live!

I am SO SO open to hearing some of your ways of LOVING YOU! Please do share.

Lots of Love, Light and Inner Peace,

Sarah ;0)