Monday, June 16, 2014

Giving in

We all go through "stuff". We all have stories.

We all go through daily ups and downs.

Yoga has taught me that the mind can play lots of "tricks"; it is truly like a wild horse that just wants to romp free... to think any which way.

Yes, the chaotic, untamed, wild-horsey of a mind is just a little, shall we say, cray-cray?!

A lot of clients and friends are telling me the past few weeks have been chaotic for them-- inside and out! Emotions and relationships are running wild. I have definitely felt that same turmoil bubbling and boiling in my mind, body and heart!

When the heat is turned up, there is a natural fight or flight instinct that comes up. When my students are in hip-openers or hamstring opening poses and some inversions, that same feeling of inner heat creates a desire to rush through the pose and just be done with it. BUT... this is when we need to hold-- be patient-- listen-- breathe and tap into that inner still, quiet place beneath the fire of release happening. I tell my students to be with the sensation and get out of the mind, because that is where all that struggle is occurring.

I tell you that life is like one long yoga pose. If we give into the mind and its impatience, we will fall out of our center, just like we want to consciously or subconsciously fall out of an intense asana in our practice.

Being a yogi is not about doing poses on a mat. A true yogi is ALWAYS doing yoga-- because it is a practice of the mind. If you are present with yourSelf in each moment, you are doing yoga.

The power and strength lies in the EVERY MOMENT presence. Ram Dass called it out when he wrote "Be Here Now". That's all we need: to BE... right HERE... right NOW.

Simple, right?
Hahaha. The great cosmic joke is the ego=the personality that makes us who we are as a human being. I remember having a profound spiritual opening just after I graduated from college and began working a few "soul-sucking" jobs. I was working with a spiritual teacher at the time and reading Krishnamurti and some Tibetan Buddhist stuff. I had also read through Seth books and Barbara Marciniak channeled works. I was also obsessed with the movie "Waking Life" at the time, just to give you a picture of where I was in my mind and with my Spirit. I was in this space of feeling the need to absolve my ego or somehow detach from it.

I remember having a day off from work and sitting in my living room on a sunny summer day with nothing to do. The mind likes to be active and have problems to solve, so usually in a dull moment, it comes up with some sort of question to ponder or thoughts to bounce around-- maybe feelings of some recent event, etc. In this moment there was NOTHING. I sat looking at my books with no desire to pick one up just to keep busy. In fact, I was happy just sitting and being with no desire for anything or to DO anything. This was a satori (an awakening) for me. I felt this deep sense of peace wash over me-- taking me over: it was bliss!

"This is it!" I thought. "This is what life is meant to be like: problem free, easygoing, light-filled and simple."
A teacher friend then called me and we had a nice chat where I shared this experience with him. He put it well: "The ego likes problems. Just watch, soon the mind will come up with something to stew on. But enjoy this peace-- anchor in it." Sure enough within a short time there was something to occupy my mind with and keep me busy "doing".
That doing I've found is the difference between ego-self and the spirit or soul-self. Ego likes DOING.

The Spirit likes Peace. Surrender. Presence. Stillness. Being!

The paradox is finding the Spirit in the storm. Being the peace in the chaos; the stillnes amongst the constant busyness.

This is why I chose the lotus for Inner Bloom: the beauty that lies in the muddy, mucky waters.

Here is one of my favorite hand mudras, lotus mudra. Try it! It stimulates the sensation of the lotus... that beauty, peace and profound stillness that resides within each one of us-- IS US!

Enjoy it!

~Sarah owns Inner Bloom, offering yoga, reflexology and energy work for deep release, healing and well-being. Sessions are local (Rochester, NY) and phone sessions are available for Reiki and Intuitive healing work

Monday, June 2, 2014

Going with the FLOW

The only thing that feels real is the Heart.

It speaks in small beats, in between breaths. Shakespeare, Rumi, Rilke and other great writers and poets tapped into its rhythm.

Yoga brings us there with a focus on the breath: the sign of LIFE!

I am always open to signs and symbols.

This past year has been intense as far as personal lessons that have helped to show me my strength of mind and heart. I'd like to extend this to the broader whole-- embracing Jung's theory of the collective unconscious. I attended a wonderful workshop with Martha Beck last year. Martha is a Harvard trained anthropologist turned self help guru. She talked about the everyday shamans. With each 2 hour chunk of workshop over the course of 2 days, Martha would spend about 10 minutes talking and offering her story and wisdome she's gained from her life experience, and then open the floor up for questions from "the village", which would carry the 2 hours through at a rapid pace! One woman shared a dream she'd had the night before, and Martha said the dream, full of people, was a message for everyone in the room-- the village! It was truly a profound and symbolic dream. In fact, everyone's story resonated with me on some level. It was a weekend full of people sharing their hearts, so simple, yet so profound!

I have found in my practice of yoga since 1998, that we are truly one. The connection is simple: it lies in the breath... that beating of the heart and lungs that tells us, "Yep, you're ALIVE! Aren't you enjoying it?!"

I have noticed an amplification in healing releases from clients and personal issues surfacing in the past year (including last half of 2013 into 2014). So I know I am experiencing what we are all experiencing: purification.

I have noticed that when I ask for something, it comes rapidly or a sign of it "not coming yet" appears just as rapidly!

About 9 months ago, I told a healer friend I needed some energy work and wondered if she had any referrals to offer me (yup, the healer does need healing!). She immediately thought of 2 women and I called them both to inquire. I ended up doing a trade with one of them. When I offered her reflexology, she told me about this session she'd had twice in England that changed her life, and it was called Metamorphic Technique. Her energy when she described it and stories of transformation in her personal life after each session inspired me to research it. I found some good videos on YouTube and then let it go.
About 3 months ago I felt drawn to look up the sites again and searched for workshops in the US. I saw that there was one and only one held in Atlanta but once a year and it was 2 months away!

This year hit me hard financially due to some legal issues with my daughter's father, thus, I wasn't sure how I would be able to afford it! However, I truly believe if something is meant to be, then the Universe will flow in such a way that it will happen with grace and ease. I had enough flier miles to buy a round trip ticket (plane trip, check!). A friend then came in for a reflexology session the following week and I suddenly felt drawn to ask if she knew anyone in Atlanta. Guess what? She had 6 friends and family members there!!! She sent out an email and within a week an aunt responded that she would be glad to host me (place to stay, check!).
Suddenly, my tax refund came through (there was an issue with this around my separation), and I was able to pay for the training.

Just before I went, a friend did a blessing/prayer for my travels. At that point, I realized I would not be able to stay with the friend's aunt the 2nd night due to the distance from the training (Atlanta is a BIG city!), so my friend put out a prayer that I would have a place to stay. "It has already happened," he said.

So: signs that we are in alignment with the flow and open to living from our heart and not our head: miracles happen, constantly! Little or big, a miracle is a miracle. I LOVE the quote, "a miracle is a change in perception" from The Course in Miracles, because it SURE IS! When I'm in that FLOW state of mind, I'm appreciating everything. So here is a list of miracles from my trip... big or small... they are all AMAZING!

Miracle #1: My flight left at 12pm and I'm usually running late-- my 1st client of the day always sees me rush in up to 10 minutes late (hey, we're all human and I blame it on being a mom to a 3 year old!). Thus, I left for the airport around 1120am. In the car (as passenger, of course), I read on my boarding pass that plane boards at 11:26 am-- time check: 11:25am. "Oh no!"
I run into the airport, expecting a small line for security-- but it's Memorial Day weekend... line: NOT SO SMALL!
Instead of panicking I took a deep breath and remembered our intentions from the night before: all would flow divinely!
So, I said to the guy behind me, "I'm boarding now, do you think I'll make it?" He gave me a eyebrow raising look and then assured me I'd be fine. Just then a security person walked out in front of me and I felt compelled to tell him my plight. He also gave me an eyebrow raise and said, "So are you LATE?" Like a gentle repremanding father, he looked at me with compassion and opened the gate to let me through. BIG MIRACLE!

Miracle #2 I got to my gate, and yes they were indeed boarding. However, the 1st words I heard were, "We need 2 more people to volunteer to give up their seats to take the next flight and receive a free domestic plane ticket." I didn't hesitate. I went right up there and said, "I'll do it!" My flight was due in Atlanta 3 hours before my host got off of work, so the change wouldn't delay me at all! And a family was quite grateful to me. The 4 of us that volunteered had a great conversation and got some snacks for our airport wait. I also got bumped to business class (more leg room!) COOL MIRACLE!

Miracle #3 I have a healer friend that manages a cafe at the airport and she happened to start her shift when my plane boarded. I got to say a quick hello before I offered not to fly. I then got to go back and have a nice chat with her and get a free latte to boot (needed my morning coffee!). FUN MIRACLE!

Miracle #4 During my wait, I got to catch up with some dear friends via phone and enjoy some downtime

Miracle #5 My host the 1st night was very sweet and made me a healthy salad, offered me a beautiful room to sleep in and even packed me a lunch for my training the next day. While she drove me to my training, I got a nice little tour of some of Atlanta!

Miracle #6 I arrived at the training and several people commented about me being the "woman from New York". Apparently I was one of the 2 out of state travelers attending the training. The woman I sat next to said hello and then asked if I had a place to stay. When I said no, she offered to host me that night. AMAZING!
Now I will tell you, I have traveled with this level of trust before and always found amazing open-hearted people that offer up their home. It is a true testament to your faith. If need be I could have booked a hotel room, but how awesome is it to just be open and see what flows 1st? I made a new friend and she took me to a cool part of Atlanta for dinner that evening.

Miracle #6 Just being with Dominique (the Metamorphic teacher) was a lovely experience in and of itself. She is truly a kindred spirit and lives with that same openness in life. At the end of the training someone asked when she would do a longer retreat Metamorphic, maybe in India (where she travels often)? She said she love to! I then offered to teach yoga there and the response was, "Sure!" Now it doesn't seem logical or feasible to go to India to teach with a 3 year old at this point in time, but is amazing to explore new possibilities and see that you can truly say "YES!" to your dreams.

Miracle #7 Deep healing happened learning this simple technique and listening to stories about it. I had a very profound dream about a personal situation the 2nd night and results that a healing had occurred within a relationship that has been wounded for a while.

Miracle #8 Just offering this modality to myself, my family, and my clients upon my return has been a huge gift. I've noticed that it calms Wren down instantly when I put her to bed. I have had really positive feedback from clients that it is deeply relaxing and powerful.

Miracle #9 During the workshop, I felt drawn to host Dominique here in Rochester and have her offer the class so it can expand a bit more in the U.S. She was totally open to it. The other day I had 2 locations that popped up to do the training! I'm so excited! My future "miracle" would be to teach the classes myself and travel a bit to do so!

Miracle #10 I had window seats both ways (Yup, it's the little things that matter!)
(view from the plane)==>>>>

You know what they say about dreams, thoughts become things! ...So... it's already happened!

I really DO love surrendering problems up to the Universe (or God, All That Is, whatever word resonates for YOU!).

Another little/big miracle-- I love Starbucks chai. I had to do some legal stuff (which is NOT really my zen!) and treated myself to a chai after. On the way out to the car, I set it on my roof to open the door and the whole thing spilled. I'd only had a sip of it. Very sad moment.
I went back in to see if they'd replace it (they have before} but the line was really long all of the sudden. SO, I threw out the cup and said, "Oh well, I guess that wasn't meant to be" and got in my car to run another errand. Somehow the drink triggered a waterfall of emotion (mostly related to my personal situation). So, I let it flow freely and in the process somehow found myself driving to another Starbucks after my errand. "What am I doing here?" I thought. I suddenly got an email telling me my free drink was available on my Starbucks card (yep, I'm THAT into the chai!). Yippee! Even though that would be using up another drink, I thought I'll just go in and use it, after all, I'd driven all that way.

I went up to the register (emotions still showing on my face from what I released in the car) and the barista was super friendly. I suddenly blurted out that I spilled my chai and was getting a new one. No questions asked she said it was on the house and gave me a sympathetic look! So I spilled my drink at one Starbucks and get a drink from another! Pretty cool!

To me, this was another miracle and also portrays the law of balance in the Universe! The light has to balance out the dark. It was definitely a welcome little miracle! And all of this happens when we stop thinking and start listening...
because all that we need has already happened. We have to stop resisting and start trusting...

Curious about a Metamorphic Session? Rochester, NY or surrounding cities can book with Sarah here or go to the site for more info: