Sunday, January 5, 2014

Just let it be!

In Japan there is a phrase: wabi sabi... which is essentially the "art of imperfection". In essence, the means that nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect" (Powell, Richard R. (2004). Wabi Sabi Simple. Adams Media. ISBN 1-59337-178-0).

New moms-- and parents in general, have very little downtime. It is still a rare moment when I can sit and read a magazine. When Wren was of the young age of 6 months or so, I was by some miracle enjoying one of those rare moments of quiet. In this rare moment, I picked up a Natural Living magazine that had been sitting in my "to read" pile for a month. When I read an article about "wabi sabi"-- which was referencing the external environment, I looked about my cluttered living room with piles of laundry to be folded and put away, dishes to be collected and washed, and baby things strewn about, I felt a sense of peace instead of the overwhelm I'd felt for months on end.

I think when we enter parenthood, we realize that "to do" list is going to be endless. There comes a point when we have to accept that everything is not going to get done when we want it to... and an acceptance of this ongoing state of "wabi sabi". In that imperfection, the Japanese find perfection. In that state of the imperfect, lies the perfect: the present moment. It was a miracle (which A Course in Miracles calls simply, a shift in perception) to be able to see peace in piles of laundry and clutter. In a split second what my mind had seen as chaos and had been taunting me with all day "to do's", suddenly became the peace and perfection of what is. God/Goddess/All That Is... whatever you want to call the Creator of this reality... does not judge; the human mind judges.

My suggestion to you: take a moment to find the wabi sabi in the world within and around you. See if the storm you see and feel can suddenly become: PERFECT.

In essence, perfection does not mean tidiness or clean thoughts or pure feelings, but simply being completely and fully immersed-- PRESENT, with the current state of things. In this presence IS Perfection. It is easier to understand when experienced.

Of course practices like Yoga, Meditation, Reiki or walks in nature, all take us there with greater ease. But remember the point and purpose of spiritual practice is to be able to find that Zen IN the chaos.

So... find your ZEN now! And please share with us your moments of wabi sabi! One person's peace is the peace of all of us!

"When one sits in the hoop of people, one must be responsible because all creation is related. And the hurt of one is the hurt of all. And the honor of one is the honor of all. And whatever we do effects everything in the Universe." ~White Buffalo Calf Woman The Wisdom of the Native Americans

Peace & Love,
Sarah ;)

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