Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What's the point of trying healing work?

What's the point? (Yep, let's just be blunt and upfront!)

I'm making a post about this in an upfront way because the Toltec way inspires me. Life is too short to candy coat things! I have heard a lot of people talk about how much they are spending on healthcare or having to spend upfront before they have no co-pays or can use their flex-spending. In the back of my mind I'm thinking, "So if these people choose to take their health into their own hands and get to the root cause-- then why aren't they choosing to come to people like me and do just that"? I will admit that"I" as healer have NOTHING to do with their healing. Their own belief in their ability do heal does. I am conduit for their own faith, and that's it!

We all have stress in our lives, hence each one of our minds and hearts could use a little healing. The human journey is just that-- a process of imperfection discovering its own faulty flawlessness ;). Our physical lives not only get cluttered with stuff, but so do our minds, bodies and hearts. Just like we clean our external environment and take care of our physical health and well-being-- we also need to take care of the state of our mind and heart.

The modalities offered at Inner Bloom-- Reiki, Metamorphic, Reflexology and Yoga therapy all clear the psyche, heart and body of excess clutter. A lot of us take time to clear our physical environment or focus on maintaining our physical health and well-being. Regular clearing of the mind and heart also keep us in pure alignment with our true state: peace and well-being.

I have been working with those who are committed to really devoting the time, money and energy to keeping themselves clear and seeing what an amazing effect it has on overall health, happiness and well-being! Chronic illness, psychological stress and emotional heaviness begin to release and in some cases disappear altogether! It is definitely an investment, an investment into your health and well-being on ALL levels. I know these services aren't covered by insurance, so for some that may mean skipping that nice meal out in favor of a session focused on healing YOU!

For me self growth is a passion! In college I chose to take my spending money and buy an unlimited monthly yoga pass and take Reiki courses in the summer. Hey, that was my fun! I wasn't a bar hopper-- but a self-healing workshop hopper ;-). And to this day I will take extra money and go to a workshop or class in lieu of a night of dinner and debauchery with the girls or a mani-pedi!

Motherhood has made self healing and personal growth an even stronger focus, as I want to be at my best for my daughter, Wren-- to set a good example and also offer her tools for her growth and well-being as she grows up!

This year has been one of tremendous growth and leaps of faith, like trying out a wellness practice and realizing that it just wasn't the right fit, because there wasn't complete support or belief in all the modalities I offer.

I recently tried to organize a Metamorphic Technique training in Rochester, bringing my teacher from London, UK all the way here to teach. However, after much effort, we just didn't have enough sign-ups to book the workshop. Letting it go took a few tries, but it felt so opening once i released it and realized this just wasn't the right time to host this training here-- not now!

Just last week, I organized my open house, an evening of art, healing, craft bazaar and socializing, all in an hour with ease and grace, getting Inner Bloom listed on the First Friday website as a venue! It's wonderful when things flow so gracefully and all works out. Makes you wonder why we fight the flow when something just isn't working?

The same goes for your draw to the services offered here or to working with me. When I gel with a client it's wonderful! My clients become like dear friends or family! I truly care about each one of you that works with me and want you to live your bliss-- your Highest most healthy version of yourSelf! This definitely takes dedication and commitment and it is beautiful to see it as it unfolds!

I love that quote, we are in each others' lives for a season, a reason, or a life-time. I definitely get attached and in my humanness feel sad when our seasons end, as they sometimes do, but I trust the process! And for those that are in my life or even practice for a longer haul, I so enjoy dancing the dance with you as I learn as much from you as you receive from coming in.

Everything truly does happen for a reason, and even though we don't always understand why, at least we get to enjoy the process and maybe someday on the road we get that clarity we once sought-- just maybe.

Peace, Love and Total TRUST in the Process!
Sarah ;-)

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